Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New Toy - Panasonic DMC - FT2

New toy... just got it few minutes ago...

This will be my official camera for this blog..

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Mt Rainier

Went to Mt Rainier (driving, not climbing) on 22 Aug 2010 (Sun) for an hour (but spent hours driving to there).
This was my 2nd trip. 1st time, I went there was in July 2008.

Road to Sunrise visitors centre

Sunrise visitors center - highest & nearest point where you can view Mt Rainier (by driving)

Could stay in a hotel at Sunrise visitors center if wanted to.

Went up by this - The lastest Hyundai Sonata 

Mt Rainier view from Sunrise visitors centre

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Paula Taylor

Pui Yin nee tham hai phom kin mai dai, norn mai lap, lai wan leaw...

Anyway, nice song too...

真實的故事 Rueng Jing

Jai la lai weela phom fang peng nee...
(Heart melts when I listen to this song)

Full song from youtube.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Naa rak mai??? (Cute or not???)

Sawng luk nee naa rak mak, tae waa mai chai luk phom...
(These 2 kids very cute, but not my kids...)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Phom kit thueng office (I miss office)

Lai wan mai yu office...
(Many days not in office...)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Arrghh... lai wan mai post blog liao...

I know it has been long since I last made a post on this blog...
Guess the work is killing me slowly.

On my way to home now...
Just took a 12 hrs flight from Seattle to Amsterdam.
Currently stop by @ Amsterdam Schipol Airport (KLM lounge).
8 hrs later, will take another 12 hrs flight from Amsterdam to KL...
Sigh,... price to pay whenever I want to save money for the company...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kee mohng laeo???

First time I came to Thailand, I learnt to count from 1 to 10 in phaasaa Thai. It took me about 5 minutes to master them (maybe less than that as they were too easy).

Later on, when I learnt what khun Thai call morning, afternoon, evening & night, I thought it was easy to tell time in phaasaa Thai. But it was not easy at all. In fact, it was difficult to remember them. I recall it took me another 2 trips (maybe 3 trips) to master the time calling in phaasaa Thai.

Here they go:

00:00 - thiang khuen
01:00 - tee nueng
02:00 - tee sawng
03:00 - tee saam
04:00 - tee see
05:00 - tee haa

06:00 - hok     mohng chao
07:00 - jet      mohng chao OR nueng mohng chao
08:00 - paet    mohng chao OR sawng mohng chao
09:00 - gao     mohng chao OR saam mohng chao
10:00 - sip      mohng chao OR see mohng chao
11:00 - sip-et  mohng chao OR haa mohng chao

12:00 - thiang wan
13:00 - bai mohng
14:00 - bai sawng
15:00 - bai saam
16:00 - bai see
17:00 - bai haa

18:00 - hok      mohng yen
19:00 - nueng  thum
20:00 - sawng  thum
21:00 - saam   thum
22:00 - see     thum
23:00 - haa     thum

It really took me some time to master them...
What about you???

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Cup Coffee in phaasaa Thai

First Cup Coffee written in phaasaa Thai
I cannot read it. 

Anyway, if you cannot read it, no problem. There is a signage in English as well.

Sunday, May 09, 2010

Raakhaa thaorai, na krup???

This is the drink list & its price in FCC.

Try comparing them with Startbucks & you would like FCC mak mak.

Any hot drink is saam-sip-haa baht.
Any cold drink is see-sip baht.
Any ice blended drink is see-sip-haa baht.
Add whip cream, extra sip baht.

Nong maa nang nai chai phom

When I 1st met this khun Thai, he taught me what khun Thai usually talk to saao saao to make them happy.
Frankly, it works.

The conversation usually goes like this....

khai kai: Sawadee krup

     Nong: Sawadee ka.

khai kai: (sigh)... hua chai phom ner ai liao... jing jing.

     Nong: Thammai ah???

khai kai: Phro waa nong maa nang nai chai phom.

    Nong: (smile)

The smile you get from this sao sao... is priceless.

WARNING: DO NOT simply say this to any sao sao. It may cause misunderstanding to her.

A glimpse of FCC cafe (outside)

Above photo shows the outside view of FCC cafe.
This is a reflective image of outside on the glass panels at FCC.

Khun khit waa yang ngai???

Panasonic DMC-LX3 is the official camera for First Cup Coffee

All photos is this blog are taken using my new toy, Panasonic DMC-LX3 (LX3), unless stated otherwise.

Guess you would ask: "What about the photo above???"
Well, of course, I cannot afford to buy 2 units of LX3 so that 1 LX3 can shoot another LX3.
The above photo was taken from a website.

Previously, I owned a Nikon CoolPix S210 (S210), which served me well. But, somehow, I found that the photos taken by S210 lacks in professional feel.

People always say 'A good carpenter never blames his tools for a broken table'.
But in my case, I am not a good carpenter, so I can blame the tools.

In order to take photos with professional feel, I started to search for a more sophisticated camera. I didn't want a DSLR due to its size & look (too professional to me).
After weeks & weeks of searching, I found LX3, which according to most reviews online, no matter how I shoot, the photos would look nice.

From now, I will post as much photos as possible in this blog. Comments & critics are always welcomed.
This new toy is also one of the reasons why I start blogging.

Phom khit waa phom phuut Thai kheng mak...

Since coming to live in the Land of Smiles, I have been so determined to learn phaasaa Thai.
To date, I don't know how much I know. Sometimes I have no problem in speaking & understanding khun Thai. But, sometimes, I have no clue what they talk.

One of the reasons I blog is to chart my level in phaasaa Thai, as well as to share with you my learning experience.

The conversation below usually takes place between me & khun Thai.

khai kai: Sawadee krup.

Nong: Sawadee ka.

khai kai: Nong ...

Nong: Arai na ka???

khai kai: Phom khit waa phom phuut Thai kheng mak.
Tae waa, nong phuut Thai mai kheng, phuut mai dai ...

Nong: (confused) Thammai ah???

khai kai: Phro waa phom phuut Thai, nong fang ruu. Thaa nong phuut Thai, phom fang mai ruu.
Khao jai mai???

Nong: (speechless. ..)